

Keep Calm [Don’t] Carry On, Change the Conditions

‘If a plant were wilting we wouldn’t diagnose it with “wilting-plant-syndrome” – we would change its conditions.’ I love this quote from Psychologist Sanah Ahsan in a recent Guardian article.


Self-advocacy: more important now than ever

Self-advocating at work is becoming more important than ever. We know the Global Pandemic has inadvertently created a more selfish society, where people are not as prepared to stick their


Hybrid Working. It’s a mindset shift.

  Two years ago we’d never uttered the words ‘hybrid working’. Hybrid cars, sure. We spoke about agile working, flexible working, informal working arrangements, compressed working, I am sure I


Change How We Work, For The better

We have this amazing opportunity right now to change how we work, for the better. Some people and companies are fully embracing this chance but others, well, they’re not. I


Loneliness, it matters more than you think

In 2017, the cost of loneliness to UK employers was estimated at £2.5bn every year. I can’t imagine what that figure has escalated to over the past 18 months. Given


Can we relearn social etiquette?

Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed seeing friends and going out for dinner as Covid restrictions ease in the UK. However, I did find some conversations confrontational and