Author name: Bernadette

World Alzheimer’s Day – it’s time to be educated

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, a campaign I can’t ignore because it’s personal to me. My husband’s mum died of it not long ago and, forget the jokes, I really got on with my mother-in-law. Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects millions of us globally and that number is on the rise. It can’t be

World Alzheimer’s Day – it’s time to be educated Read More »

Change How We Work, For The better

We have this amazing opportunity right now to change how we work, for the better. Some people and companies are fully embracing this chance but others, well, they’re not. I don’t think we should look at ‘hybrid is the new way of working’, many of us have been working in a hybrid / agile /

Change How We Work, For The better Read More »

Working Parents Need Compassionate Leaders (now more than ever)

It’s no surprise that we’ve been coaching so many women recently who are looking at alternative career options. There is no possible way, as working parents, we can work in traditional settings where we’re expected to be online, working 9am-5pm (give or take a few hours) Monday to Friday. Of course, a lot of organisations

Working Parents Need Compassionate Leaders (now more than ever) Read More »

Loneliness, it matters more than you think

In 2017, the cost of loneliness to UK employers was estimated at £2.5bn every year. I can’t imagine what that figure has escalated to over the past 18 months. Given the overwhelming evidence that the global pandemic has increased levels of loneliness, with 25% of adults in the UK reporting feelings of loneliness in 2020,

Loneliness, it matters more than you think Read More »

Can we relearn social etiquette?

Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed seeing friends and going out for dinner as Covid restrictions ease in the UK. However, I did find some conversations confrontational and uncomfortable and wanted to reassure those who have had similar experiences. Yes, it is connected to lockdown living. Yes, it may well impact relationships at

Can we relearn social etiquette? Read More »

Overwhelm and Stress, what if there was another way?

Overwhelm. Even writing the word makes me feel overwhelmed. Overwhelm is the sense that we have too much going on and we’re a little bit out of control. It’s when we have multiple pressure points, often landing at the same time. The end result… Stress!   Many of us suffer with overwhelm from time to time,

Overwhelm and Stress, what if there was another way? Read More »

Hormonal fluctuations cause women stress and anxiety at work

Why are we still embarrassed to speak openly about periods? They affect approximately 50% of the total population. Every day we are likely to encounter women who are experiencing hormonal fluctuations due to menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, menopause, or at any point in between. The CIPD (the UK’s professional body for HR and people development) recently

Hormonal fluctuations cause women stress and anxiety at work Read More »