Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Motivating your team

What are we learning right now about our teams while we’re still physically distanced from each other? Maybe you have house envy, putting on a virtual screen so no one can see what’s going on behind you? Have you taken part in team quizzes? Virtual team runs? Or what about that crazy idea of dress up day? Whatever your team has done over these past 4 months, no doubt you’re all a little bit bored…

What can you do to reenergise as a team? How do you get that spark back so that you want to take part in the next virtual team coffee?

We have spoken to many of our clients and come up with some ideas that might help reignite that team spirit (even if it’s only over the [northern hemisphere] summer months).

  1. Don’t have meetings just for the sake of a meeting. Check in another way.
  2. Give the team an afternoon off work, let them just have permission to switch off (companies that have unlimited holiday have reported higher levels of productivity because people feel valued, refreshed and trusted by their boss.
  3. Have some more shout outs! Remember those days in the office when you would just give someone a compliment or positive feedback for the work they had done? When we’re not able to constantly see our peers’ work it’s harder to see all of the effort and work they’re putting in. So, give each other some feedback and allow at least one meeting a week when everyone has to provide self-praise for a win they have had that week.
  4. Have more authentic conversations. There is a real sense of loneliness and disconnection even if you are speaking to each other every day. Can you have one genuine call with someone – encouraging them to take the call from their garden or somewhere that’s not their normal home working space (& you do the same) where you can more easily connect with nature and with the person you’re talking to?
  5. Brainstorming and teaming on ideas. I have heard loads of people talk about how much they miss bouncing ideas off each other, having a partner in crime to think something through feels like a luxury right now but something we certainly took for granted pre-lockdown (pld – yep, I made that up!). Get those white walls covered again in post-its. Use windows, wall space, whatever you have and get yourself some post-its (or a whiteboard, it’s much better for the environment) & get creative again. Yes, you might have to have a zoom call to do it but you could all stand up, one person is the scribe and have full view so everyone can keep up with their ideas.
  6. Meet up in person. Ok, so you might live all over the city or country but we are allowed now to actually meet up, it doesn’t have to be in the office (although do consider where everyone has to travel to / from and make sure they feel comfortable travelling &, most importantly, think about the nearest toilet facilities…). Even if it’s just one person in the team who lives nearby, try to meet up and get those creative juices flowing once more.

We are social animals and we do thrive on emotional connections so think what you might be able to do as a team to reignite that spark.

Share with us how you get on or if you have any other ideas you have for motivating your team while we continue to work from home. If you want to discuss what you could do more specifically with your team, please do contact us:

At Rosby, we’re want to educate everyone about Menopause – below you will find links to our current articles and videos. We have more content coming soon!

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